
Can Do pages


2017年NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do语句, the result of collaboration between the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL) and the ACTFL guide:

  • Language learners to identify and set learning goals and chart their progress towards language and intercultural proficiency;
  • 教育者要为课程、单元和教案编写交际学习目标;
  • 利益相关者澄清不同阶段学习者的沟通能力.

这些陈述是根据解释性说明组织的, 人际关系, 和表达方式的沟通,如描述 学习语言的世界准备标准:

  • 解释性交际:学习者理解, interpret, 并分析所听到的, read, 或者看各种各样的话题.
  • 人际交往:学习者在口语中相互作用和协商意义, signed, 或者通过书面对话来分享信息, reactions, feelings, 和意见.
  • 呈现性交际:学习者呈现信息, concepts, 以及要传达的想法, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do声明是如何组织的

与…对齐 ACTFL能力指南2012 and the ACTFL 语言学习者的表现描述 Can-Do语句反映了通过新手在沟通技巧上的持续增长, 中间, Advanced, Superior, 和杰出级别.

The NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do语句 for Intercultural Communication and the 反射工具 for Learners provide a set of examples and scenarios that show how learners use the target language and knowledge of culture to demonstrate their Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC).

Just as the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do语句 for language clarify the Communication standards in the 世界战备标准, 该工具旨在澄清和支持文化标准(使用该语言进行调查), explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices or products and perspectives of cultures) and lead learners toward developing ICC. 用于本文档的目的, ICC refers to the ability to interact effectively and appropriately with people from other language and cultural backgrounds. ICC develops as the result of a process of intentional goal-setting and self- reflection around language and culture and involves attitudinal changes toward one’s own and other cultures. 跨文化交际能力是建立有效交际的必要条件, 跨越文化界限的积极关系, 全球化社会所必需的.

NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do声明是如何组织的
图片来源:NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do语句是如何组织的



Novice–BLUE | 中间–GREEN | Advanced–ORANGE | Superior–GOLD | 杰出的–GRAY



支持ncssfl - acti can-do语句的理论框架和研究

学习者往往被视为星际网赌登录的对象,而不是星际网赌登录的使用者. 成为星际网赌登录信息的主要使用者, 学习者必须使他们所学的东西成为自己的一部分. One important means of involving learners in their learning process is having them participate in a goal-setting process to monitor their progress to determine how well they accomplish their learning targets. Learning goals form the foundation for motivation in an instructional setting and for where working memory is being allocated. 动机对学习至关重要,因为“没有足够的动机”, even the brightest learners are unlikely to persist long enough to attain any really useful language” (Dörnyei, 2010, p. 74). It is vital to understand the motivation to promote learner autonomy which is key to continuing language learning beyond the classroom.

学习目标, 用Can-Do语句表达, provide an important venue for setting learning goals to provide language learners the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning through the establishment of positive short-and long-term learning goals and to monitor their learning experiences to ensure the accomplishment of these goals. 智能(具体, measurable, achievable, relevant, 有时限的目标, 比如Can-Do语句, 为学习者的语言学习提供一个明确的方向,帮助他们实现这些目标. Such a constructivist or sociocultural worldview regards learning as an ongoing process where learners are continually involved in self-assessment and self-reflection about their own learning, 最终目的是发展自我调节和自我效能.

Can-Do语句对学习者和学习者成就的影响, 正如LinguaFolio®(LF®)及其欧洲前身所证明的那样, 欧洲语言组合(ELP), 已经被越来越多的研究机构调查过了. LinguaFolio®旨在帮助语言教育者发展自主学习和学习者赋权. 课堂层面的研究揭示了目标设定, 什么是LF®和ELP的核心, 促进自主学习, 提高语言和学业成绩, 提高动机和任务价值, 并在定期和频繁地实施时改善自我星际网赌登录(伯顿) & Swain, 2014; Ciesielkiewicz & Coca, 2013; Little, 2009; Little, 2003; Little, Goullier, & Hughes, 2011; Moeller, Theiler, & Wu, 2012; Ziegler, 2014; Ziegler & Moeller, 2012; Clarke, 2013; Moeller & Yu, 2015). Learners who experienced LF® as an intervention in the world language classroom achieved higher academic outcomes as measured by cumulative GPA and ACT scores in math, science, reading, 与未接触LF®(Clarke)的学生相比, 2013).

这些研究表明,设定目标的主要组成部分, 记录进展, and self-assessment of learning are critical in developing learner autonomy and self-regulation in language learners that contribute to increased motivation, 较高的语言水平, 以及学业上的成功.


  • Burton, B., & Swain, M. (2014年8月)学生成功使用LinguaFolio®. 在北卡罗来纳州格林斯博罗举行的ELLs会议上的演讲.
  • Ciesielkiewicz, M., & Coca, D. (2013)电子语言组合作为终身学习的工具. 在国际会议ICT语言学习:会议记录. 佛罗伦萨,意大利:意大利大学图书馆.
  • Clarke, O. (2013) LinguaFolio® goal setting intervention and academic achievement: Increasing student capacity for self-regulated learning. 摘自内布拉斯加大学林肯分校ETD馆藏:
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2010)研究动机:从整合性到理想二语自我. 在休斯顿,S., & Oakey, D. (Eds). 介绍应用语言学:概念与技巧,页. 74-83). 伦敦:劳特利奇.
  • Little, D. (2009)语言学习者自主性与欧洲语言组合:两个第二语言英语例子. 语文教学,42(2),222-233.
  • Little, D. (Ed.(2003)使用中的欧洲语言组合:9个例子. 斯特拉斯堡,法国:欧洲委员会. 可以从 /组合.
  • Little, D.F. & Hughes, G. (2011)欧洲语言组合:迄今为止的故事(1991-2011). 斯特拉斯堡,法国:欧洲委员会. 可以从
  • Moeller, A., Theiler, J., & Wu, C. (2012)目标设定与学生成绩:一项纵向研究. 现代语言学报,1996,153-169.
  • Moeller, A., & Yu, F. (2015) NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do statements: An effective tool for improving language learning within and outside the classroom. In P. Swanson (Eds.),《星际网赌登录》(pp. 50-69). 迪凯特,乔治亚州:斯科特
  • Ziegler, N. (2014) Fostering self-regulated learning through the European Language Portfolio: An intervention mixed methods study. 现代语言学报,1998 (4),921-936.
  • Ziegler, N., & Moeller, A. (2012)通过LinguaFolio®增强自我调节学习. 外语学刊,45(3),330-348.
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