研究重点 & 奖助金





The purpose of the ACTFL 研究重点 Project is to support empirical research on six priority areas that are currently critical to improving World Language education. 提案可以启动一项新的研究, 支持/扩大正在进行的研究, or explore an emerging research area that is connected to 一个 or more 研究 Priority areas. The 研究重点 are listed in alphabetical order and are of equal importance. 研究经费由ACTFL资助. Below each priority area is a list of sample research topics; research studies need not be limited to these topics.


提交提案的截止日期是 2024年7月1日星期一下午5点.m. ET.


全联会电子下注软件可提交 一个 application as a first author and be listed as a 第二或第三作者 一个 额外的应用程序. Priority will be given to applicants who have not received an award within the past three years.


The 研究 and Assessment Committee will review proposals and select projects. Applicants will be informed of the selections in September, 2024. Selected studies will receive a grant of up to $3,800 from ACTFL to help defray some of the research costs. Recipients are expected to apply to present their research at the 2025 ACTFL 公约 and agree to grant 外语年鉴 right of first refusal of any articles that emerge from the research. Recipients will have 一个 year after the award to finish their research and complete their submission to FLA. 一年内未完成的项目, recipients can apply for up to a 一个-year extension to finish the project.

获奖者将获得2美元的初始奖助金,500 and the remainder upon submission of the research article to 外语年鉴 并完成一份简短的报告.


In order to submit this form, please have Javascript enabled in your browser.

Only 一个 email address may be used per project.

Check if the Mailing Address is the same as the Institution Address listed above.
Please provide the names of other members of the research team, 如果适用的话, 通过他们的电子邮件, 机构名称.
a. Justification for the study and its connection to a specific research priority area
b. Brief statement on theoretical framework that supports the research
c. 研究问题(不超过3个)
d. 研究 design and method(s) of data collection
e. Anticipated participants and/or desired type of research site
f. 项目预计工期
g. Brief description of your qualifications for conducting this study.
750 字左

注意:必须包括所有元素. Proposals that do not explain how the study addresses a research priority area will not be considered.

The maximum filesize is 400 MB for this field. File Formats accepted are PDF, TXT, and MSWord.

Proposals must be received electronically by ACTFL by July 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET.
